About My Classroom...


        I do not consider myself to be strict, however, I do have high expectations for student behavior during work times and teaching times. I realize that the students work very hard throughout the day, though, so I do make sure they are allowed some "down time" between subject areas in order to let out some energy and give them a little break! I am consistent and follow a routine, however, I also consider myself to be very flexible.

      Homework is an area that parents usually ask about... As a parent, I like to spend as much time with my children as I can during the short evening hours. Because of that,  I understand the need to keep homework at a level that is attainable for families and that will not overwhelm my students. They do work hard all day, so they need a little time "just to be kids" in the evening. You can expect to have a spelling list and a short reader sent home each week that will need to be studied at least 3 nights. Besides that, I will assign occasional homework if we are working on a special project and I will sometimes ask kids to take work home if they did not complete it in the time we had during class. I do work with students to be sure enough time is allowed in class, but sometimes there are a few who aren't able to finish. Because I do try to keep homework to a minimum, please take the extra time to read with your child every night!

      I encourage parents/guardians to call or e-mail any time there is a question or a concern. I will always do my best to address things that are brought to my attention. You can reach me through e-mail with the link on this web site. My phone numbers for school and home are listed in your "Back to School" handouts.

        Other information you might be interested in is listed below:


98-100 A+
96-97 A
94-95 A-
92-93 B+
90-91 B
87-89 B-
85-86 C+
83-84 C
80-82 C-
78-79 D+
74-77 D
70-73 D-
69-Below F


                               Raise your hand.
           Enter and leave walking.
           Stay in your seat (on task).
           Prepare for class and participate.
           Expect the best for yourself.
           Talk politely (no interrupting).